SECURE-TRAIN stands for "Security Education and Cultivation of Users for Reliable Application Integrity and Non-negotiables." and represents the key elements of training and awareness in the context of application security. It emphasizes the importance of educating and cultivating users to ensure they understand and adhere to security practices, thereby promoting reliable application integrity and non-negotiable security principles.

Training and awareness in the context of application security refers to the process of educating and equipping individuals within an organization with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, implement, and maintain secure practices throughout the application development lifecycle. It focuses on raising awareness about potential security risks, best practices, and the importance of security in order to foster a culture of security within the organization. Here are key aspects of training and awareness in the context of application security:

  1. Security Awareness Programs: Training and awareness programs are designed to educate individuals about the fundamental concepts of application security, common vulnerabilities, and the potential consequences of security breaches. These programs aim to instill a security mindset and promote vigilance in recognizing and reporting security issues.

  2. Secure Coding Practices: Training in secure coding practices provides developers and programmers with the knowledge and skills to write secure code that mitigates common vulnerabilities. It covers topics such as input validation, output encoding, proper handling of user authentication and authorization, secure error handling, and protection against common attack vectors like injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

  3. Security Training for Roles and Responsibilities: Different roles within an organization have different responsibilities in ensuring application security. Training should be tailored to specific roles, such as developers, testers, system administrators, project managers, and executives, to ensure they understand their unique security responsibilities and have the necessary skills to fulfill them effectively.

  4. Security Policies and Procedures: Training programs should cover the organization's security policies, procedures, and guidelines related to application security. This includes educating employees about password management, access controls, data classification, incident response protocols, secure data handling, and compliance requirements. Training should emphasize the importance of following these policies to maintain a secure environment.

  5. Phishing and Social Engineering Awareness: Training programs should address the risks associated with phishing attacks and social engineering tactics, as these are common vectors for compromising application security. Employees should be educated about how to recognize and report suspicious emails, phone calls, or other attempts to obtain sensitive information.

  6. Security Tools and Technologies: Training should familiarize employees with security tools and technologies used in application security, such as static and dynamic analysis tools, vulnerability scanners, and intrusion detection systems. This helps individuals understand how these tools are utilized, interpret the results, and integrate security practices into their daily activities.

  7. Security Incident Reporting and Response: Training should educate employees about the importance of timely reporting of security incidents and how to effectively communicate and escalate security concerns. It should also cover incident response protocols, including who to contact, how to preserve evidence, and the steps to be followed in containing and mitigating security incidents.

  8. Continuous Training and Updates: Application security is an evolving field, and new threats and vulnerabilities emerge regularly. Training programs should be updated and conducted periodically to keep employees informed about the latest security practices, emerging threats, and industry trends. Continuous training helps to ensure that security knowledge and skills remain up to date.

By investing in training and awareness initiatives, organizations can empower their employees to proactively identify and address security risks, contribute to a secure development process, and establish a strong security culture. Training and awareness play a crucial role in reducing human errors, enhancing overall security posture, and safeguarding applications and sensitive data from potential threats.


Training and awareness metrics for application security are used to measure the effectiveness of security training programs and the level of security awareness among individuals involved in the software development lifecycle. These metrics help organizations evaluate the impact of their training initiatives and ensure that personnel are well-equipped to handle security risks. Here are some commonly used metrics:

  1. Training Completion Rate: This metric measures the percentage of individuals who have completed the required security training programs. It reflects the level of engagement and participation in the training initiatives and provides an indication of the organization's ability to deliver training content effectively.

Training Completion Rate Metric = (Number of Participants Completed Training / Total Number of Participants Enrolled) * 100.

  • The Training Completion Rate metric measures the percentage of participants who have successfully completed the application security training and awareness program. To calculate the Training Completion Rate, first, determine the total number of participants who enrolled in the training program. Then, count the number of participants who have completed the training successfully. Divide the number of participants who completed the training by the total number of participants enrolled and multiply by 100 to get the completion rate as a percentage.

  • For example, if 300 employees enrolled in the application security training program, and out of those, 240 successfully completed the training:

    • Training Completion Rate = (240 / 300) * 100 = 80%

    • This means that 80% of the participants successfully completed the training.

  • A high Training Completion Rate indicates that a significant portion of the workforce has received and completed the necessary security training. This contributes to raising security awareness and knowledge among employees, which can lead to better security practices and reduced risk of security incidents caused by human error. To improve the Training Completion Rate, organizations can consider the following measures:

    • Engaging Content: Ensure that the training materials are engaging, relevant, and accessible to all participants, making the learning process more enjoyable.

    • Flexible Delivery: Offer different delivery options, such as in-person sessions, online courses, or on-demand training, to accommodate varying schedules and preferences.

    • Mandatory Training: Consider making the security training mandatory for all employees to increase participation and completion rates.

    • Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the training program through participant feedback and post-training assessments to identify areas for improvement.

    • Incentives and Recognition: Provide incentives or recognition for employees who complete the training successfully to motivate others to participate.

  • By measuring and continuously improving the Training Completion Rate, organizations can enhance their application security awareness efforts and create a more security-conscious culture throughout the workforce.

  1. Training Satisfaction Rate: This metric assesses the satisfaction level of individuals who have undergone security training. It can be measured through surveys or feedback forms to gather feedback on the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of the training materials and delivery methods.

Training Satisfaction Rate Metric = (Sum of Participant Satisfaction Ratings / Total Number of Participants) * 100.

  • The Training Satisfaction Rate metric measures the overall satisfaction of participants with the application security training and awareness program. To calculate the Training Satisfaction Rate, first, collect participant satisfaction ratings for the training program. This can be done through surveys, feedback forms, or evaluations. Sum up all the satisfaction ratings and divide by the total number of participants. Multiply the result by 100 to get the satisfaction rate as a percentage.

  • For example, if there were 100 participants in the training program, and the sum of their satisfaction ratings is 450 (on a scale of 1 to 5):

    • Training Satisfaction Rate = (450 / (100 * 5)) * 100 = 90%

    • This means that the average satisfaction rating for the training program is 4.5 out of 5, or 90%.

  • A high Training Satisfaction Rate indicates that participants found the training program valuable, engaging, and effective in increasing their awareness and knowledge of application security. It suggests that the training materials, delivery methods, and instructors were well-received by the participants. To improve the Training Satisfaction Rate, organizations can consider the following measures:

    • Quality Content: Ensure that the training materials are relevant, up-to-date, and provide practical guidance on application security best practices.

    • Effective Delivery: Use engaging and interactive training methods, such as hands-on exercises, case studies, and real-world examples, to enhance participant engagement and understanding.

    • Qualified Instructors: Provide knowledgeable and experienced instructors who can effectively deliver the training content and address participant questions or concerns.

    • Continuous Improvement: Collect feedback from participants after each training session and use it to identify areas for improvement in the training program.

    • Flexibility and Accessibility: Make the training program accessible to all participants, considering their schedules, learning preferences, and any accessibility needs.

  • By measuring and striving to improve the Training Satisfaction Rate, organizations can ensure that their application security training and awareness programs effectively meet the needs and expectations of participants, leading to a stronger security culture and increased knowledge to mitigate security risks.

  1. Security Awareness Assessment Results: This metric measures the results of security awareness assessments or quizzes administered to assess individuals' understanding of security concepts, best practices, and potential risks. It provides insights into the knowledge level and comprehension of security topics among employees.

Security Awareness Assessment Results = (Number of Correct Responses / Total Number of Questions) * 100.

  • The Security Awareness Assessment Results metric reflects the percentage of correct responses from participants in a security awareness assessment. It provides an indication of the level of knowledge and understanding of application security concepts and best practices among the participants. To calculate the Security Awareness Assessment Results, administer an assessment or quiz to participants that covers relevant application security topics. Determine the total number of questions in the assessment and count the number of correct responses given by the participants. Divide the number of correct responses by the total number of questions and multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.

  • For example, if the assessment contains 20 questions and a participant answers 15 questions correctly:

    • Security Awareness Assessment Results = (15 / 20) * 100 = 75%

    • This means that the participant achieved a 75% score on the security awareness assessment, indicating a satisfactory level of security awareness and knowledge.

  • To improve the Security Awareness Assessment Results, organizations can consider the following actions:

    • Effective Training Content: Ensure that the training materials cover essential application security topics comprehensively and provide practical examples and case studies.

    • Engaging Training Delivery: Utilize interactive training methods, such as simulations, scenarios, and real-world examples, to enhance participant engagement and understanding.

    • Regular Assessments: Conduct periodic security awareness assessments to track participants' progress and identify areas for improvement.

    • Feedback and Remediation: Provide feedback and guidance to participants on incorrect responses and offer additional resources or training modules to address knowledge gaps.

    • Reinforcement Activities: Implement ongoing reinforcement activities, such as newsletters, security tips, or regular refreshers, to sustain and reinforce security awareness over time.

  • By regularly measuring the Security Awareness Assessment Results metric, organizations can assess the effectiveness of their application security training and awareness programs and identify areas where additional focus or improvements are needed to enhance participants' knowledge and understanding of application security.

  1. Incident Reporting Rate: This metric measures the rate at which individuals report security incidents or potential security risks they encounter. It indicates the effectiveness of security training in empowering individuals to recognize and respond to security threats.

To measure the Incident Reporting Rate metric in the context of application security training and awareness, inspektre uses the following formula:

Incident Reporting Rate = (Number of Reported Incidents / Total Number of Incidents) * 100.

  • The Incident Reporting Rate metric reflects the percentage of incidents that are reported by individuals who have undergone application security training and are aware of the importance of reporting security incidents promptly. To calculate the Incident Reporting Rate, track the total number of incidents that occur within a specific period and count the number of those incidents that are reported by individuals who have received application security training. Divide the number of reported incidents by the total number of incidents and multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.

  • For example, if there were 50 security incidents, and 40 of them were reported by individuals who have undergone application security training:

    • Incident Reporting Rate = (40 / 50) * 100 = 80%

    • This means that 80% of the security incidents were reported by individuals who have received application security training and have a good understanding of the importance of incident reporting.

  • To improve the Incident Reporting Rate, organizations can consider the following actions:

    • Awareness and Training: Provide comprehensive training on the importance of incident reporting, including the reporting process, types of incidents to report, and potential consequences of not reporting.

    • Clear Reporting Channels: Establish clear and easily accessible channels for individuals to report incidents, such as a dedicated incident reporting system, email address, or hotline.

    • Encouragement and Incentives: Encourage and incentivize individuals to report incidents promptly by recognizing and rewarding responsible reporting behavior.

    • Feedback and Communication: Provide feedback to individuals who report incidents, acknowledging their contribution and highlighting the impact of their reporting on improving security.

    • Continuous Education: Offer ongoing training and awareness programs to reinforce the importance of incident reporting and keep individuals updated on emerging threats and incident reporting best practices.

  • By monitoring the Incident Reporting Rate metric, organizations can evaluate the effectiveness of their application security training and awareness efforts in promoting a culture of incident reporting. This metric helps identify areas for improvement and allows organizations to take proactive measures to encourage individuals to report security incidents promptly, thereby enabling timely response and mitigation actions.

  1. Phishing Simulation Results: Phishing simulation exercises measure the effectiveness of training programs in mitigating the risks associated with phishing attacks. Metrics such as click-through rates, reporting rates, and susceptibility rates can be used to assess how well individuals are able to identify and respond to simulated phishing attempts.

Phishing Simulation Results = (Number of Employees Who Fell for Phishing Attacks / Total Number of Employees Participating) * 100.

The Phishing Simulation Results metric indicates the percentage of employees who fell for phishing attacks during the simulated exercises conducted as part of application security training and awareness. To calculate the Phishing Simulation Results, conduct phishing simulation exercises targeting a group of employees and track the number of employees who fell for the simulated phishing attacks. Divide the number of employees who fell for the attacks by the total number of employees participating in the simulation and multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.

  • For example, if there were 100 employees participating in the phishing simulation exercise, and 10 of them fell for the simulated phishing attacks:

    • Phishing Simulation Results = (10 / 100) * 100 = 10%

    • This means that 10% of the employees were susceptible to phishing attacks during the simulation exercise.

  • To improve the Phishing Simulation Results, organizations can consider the following actions:

    • Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training on identifying and responding to phishing attacks, including common phishing techniques, red flags to watch for, and best practices for handling suspicious emails or links.

    • Awareness Campaigns: Conduct regular awareness campaigns to reinforce the importance of vigilance against phishing attacks, emphasizing the potential consequences of falling for phishing attempts.

    • Simulated Phishing Exercises: Continuously conduct simulated phishing exercises to test employees' ability to detect and respond to phishing attacks, providing immediate feedback and guidance to those who fall for the simulated attacks.

    • Phishing Reporting Channels: Establish clear and easily accessible channels for employees to report suspected phishing emails or incidents, encouraging a proactive reporting culture.

    • Metrics and Analysis: Analyze the results of the phishing simulations to identify trends, areas of improvement, and patterns that can inform targeted training efforts.

  • By monitoring the Phishing Simulation Results metric, organizations can assess the effectiveness of their application security training and awareness programs in reducing the susceptibility of employees to phishing attacks. This metric helps identify areas that require further attention and enables organizations to tailor their training initiatives to address specific weaknesses, ultimately enhancing the overall security posture against phishing threats.

  1. Security Incident Response Time: This metric measures the time it takes for individuals to respond to and report security incidents or potential vulnerabilities they identify. A shorter response time indicates improved security awareness and a proactive approach to addressing security risks.

Security Incident Response Time = (Total Time Taken to Respond to Security Incidents / Total Number of Security Incidents).

  • The Security Incident Response Time metric indicates the average time taken to respond to security incidents reported by employees who have received application security training and awareness. To calculate the Security Incident Response Time, track the total time taken to respond to security incidents reported by employees who have received training. Divide this total time by the total number of security incidents during a specific period to obtain the average response time.

  • For example, let's say there were 20 security incidents reported during a month, and the total time taken to respond to these incidents was 100 hours:

    • Security Incident Response Time = 100 hours / 20 incidents = 5 hours

    • This means that, on average, it took 5 hours to respond to each security incident reported by employees.

  • A lower Security Incident Response Time indicates a more efficient and timely response to security incidents. Organizations can take the following actions to improve this metric:

    • Streamline Incident Response Processes: Establish clear and well-defined incident response procedures, including incident triage, escalation paths, and response timelines.

    • Training and Awareness: Provide comprehensive training on incident response protocols, ensuring that employees are aware of the proper steps to take when they encounter a security incident.

    • Incident Response Team Readiness: Ensure that the incident response team is adequately trained and prepared to handle security incidents promptly and effectively.

    • Automation and Tools: Implement incident response automation and utilize appropriate security tools to expedite incident detection, analysis, and response.

    • Monitoring and Metrics: Continuously monitor and measure Security Incident Response Time to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and the effectiveness of incident response processes.

  • By tracking and analyzing the Security Incident Response Time metric, organizations can identify opportunities to enhance their incident response capabilities and reduce the time taken to respond to security incidents. This, in turn, helps minimize the potential impact of security incidents and contributes to a more robust application security posture.

  1. Security-related Questions or Requests for Assistance: This metric measures the frequency of security-related inquiries or requests for assistance made by individuals. It indicates the level of engagement and active involvement in security practices and highlights areas where individuals seek further clarification or guidance.

Security-related Questions or Requests for Assistance = Total Number of Security-related Questions or Requests for Assistance / Total Number of Employees.

  • This metric indicates the average number of security-related questions or requests for assistance received per employee who has received application security training and awareness. To calculate this metric, keep track of the total number of security-related questions or requests for assistance received over a specific period. Divide this total number by the total number of employees who have received application security training.

  • For example, if there were 50 security-related questions or requests for assistance in a month, and there are 100 employees who have received application security training:

    • Security-related Questions or Requests for Assistance = 50 questions / 100 employees = 0.5 questions per employee

    • This means that, on average, each employee had 0.5 security-related questions or requests for assistance during that month.

  • A higher number of security-related questions or requests for assistance may indicate active engagement and awareness among employees regarding application security. This can be a positive sign as it demonstrates that employees are actively seeking guidance and support to address security concerns. To improve this metric, organizations can take the following actions:

    • Effective Training Programs: Ensure that the application security training programs are comprehensive, engaging, and address common security concerns, providing employees with the necessary knowledge and resources to handle security-related issues.

    • Accessible Support Channels: Establish accessible channels for employees to submit security-related questions or requests for assistance, such as dedicated email addresses, online forums, or helpdesk systems.

    • Prompt Response and Guidance: Respond to security-related questions or requests for assistance in a timely manner, providing accurate and helpful guidance to employees.

    • Continual Communication: Regularly communicate important security updates, best practices, and tips to employees, fostering a culture of awareness and encouraging them to seek assistance when needed.

  • By tracking and analyzing the number of security-related questions or requests for assistance, organizations can gauge the effectiveness of their application security training and awareness programs. This metric helps identify areas where additional training or support may be required and provides insights into the overall security awareness level of employees.

  1. Knowledge Retention Rate: This metric assesses the retention of security knowledge over time. It measures the percentage of individuals who demonstrate consistent knowledge and understanding of security concepts in follow-up assessments or evaluations conducted after the initial training sessions.

Knowledge Retention Rate = (Post-training Assessment Score / Pre-training Assessment Score) * 100.

  • This metric evaluates the effectiveness of application security training by comparing the knowledge or skill level of employees before and after the training. It indicates the percentage of knowledge retained by employees after completing the training program. To calculate this metric, conduct pre-training and post-training assessments to evaluate the knowledge or skill level of employees in application security. Assign a numerical score to each assessment. Then, divide the post-training assessment score by the pre-training assessment score and multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • For example, if an employee scores 80% on the pre-training assessment and 90% on the post-training assessment:

    • Knowledge Retention Rate = (90 / 80) * 100 = 112.5%

    • This means that the employee retained 112.5% of the knowledge or skills gained from the application security training.

  • A higher knowledge retention rate indicates better learning and retention of application security concepts among employees. It suggests that the training program was effective in imparting knowledge and skills that employees have retained over time.

  • To improve this metric, organizations can consider the following strategies:

    • Engaging Training Methods: Utilize interactive and engaging training methods, such as hands-on exercises, real-world scenarios, case studies, and multimedia content, to enhance knowledge retention.

    • Reinforcement and Refreshers: Provide periodic reinforcement activities or refresher training sessions to reinforce application security concepts and ensure long-term retention.

    • Knowledge Assessment: Conduct regular assessments or quizzes to assess and reinforce employees' knowledge of application security topics.

    • Application of Knowledge: Encourage employees to apply the learned knowledge in their daily work and provide opportunities to practice and reinforce application security principles.

  • By tracking the knowledge retention rate, organizations can evaluate the effectiveness of their application security training programs and identify areas for improvement. This metric helps ensure that employees retain and apply the necessary knowledge to enhance the security posture of the organization.

These metrics help organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their training and awareness initiatives, identify gaps in security knowledge, and measure the impact of training programs on improving the overall security posture of the organization. By monitoring and tracking these metrics, organizations can continuously enhance their security training efforts and ensure that individuals are equipped to mitigate security risks in the application development process.