SAFE-APP stands for "Secure Application Framework for Enhanced-Development and Protection." and represents the key elements of the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It emphasizes the importance of a secure framework and process for developing applications, focusing on enhancing development practices and protecting applications from potential security threats.

The Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) is a framework that integrates security practices throughout the entire software development process. It encompasses a set of guidelines, best practices, and activities aimed at building secure and robust applications from the initial design phase to deployment and maintenance. The SSDL focuses on identifying and mitigating security risks and vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the application. Here are key aspects of the Secure Software Development Lifecycle in the context of application security:

  1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis: The SSDL begins with capturing security requirements during the initial phase of software development. This involves understanding the application's intended functionality, identifying potential security threats, and defining security objectives. By integrating security requirements from the start, the SSDL ensures that security considerations are an integral part of the application's design.

  2. Secure Design and Architecture: The SSDL emphasizes the creation of a secure design and architecture for the application. This involves considering security principles and best practices, such as secure coding standards, secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, input validation, and secure data storage. Secure design aims to mitigate common vulnerabilities and provide a solid foundation for the development of the application.

  3. Secure Coding Practices: The SSDL promotes the use of secure coding practices throughout the development process. Developers are encouraged to follow coding guidelines that address common security issues, such as input validation, output encoding, secure error handling, and secure memory management. Secure coding practices help prevent common vulnerabilities, such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and buffer overflows.

  4. Security Testing and Review: The SSDL emphasizes comprehensive security testing and code review. This includes activities such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, code reviews, and security architecture reviews. By identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities at an early stage, the SSDL ensures that potential weaknesses are identified and remediated before the application is deployed.

  5. Secure Deployment and Configuration: The SSDL includes secure deployment practices to ensure that the application is securely installed, configured, and integrated into the production environment. This involves using secure communication protocols, securely managing access controls, and hardening the application and underlying infrastructure against potential threats.

  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: The SSDL recognizes the importance of continuous monitoring and maintenance of the application's security. This includes monitoring for security events, applying security updates and patches, and promptly addressing any identified vulnerabilities or security incidents. Ongoing maintenance helps ensure that the application remains resilient against evolving security threats.

  7. Security Awareness and Training: The SSDL promotes security awareness and training for all individuals involved in the software development process. This includes developers, testers, project managers, and system administrators. Security training helps foster a security-conscious culture and equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to implement and maintain secure practices throughout the lifecycle.

  8. Compliance and Regulatory Considerations: The SSDL takes into account compliance requirements and regulatory considerations relevant to the application. It ensures that the application aligns with applicable industry standards and regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and others.

By following the Secure Software Development Lifecycle, organizations can systematically integrate security practices into the development process, resulting in more secure applications. The SSDL helps mitigate security risks, reduce vulnerabilities, and enhance the overall security posture of the developed applications.

SAFE-APP Metrics

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) metrics are measurements used to assess the effectiveness and progress of integrating security practices into the software development process. These metrics help organizations evaluate the security posture of their software throughout its lifecycle and track the implementation of security controls. Here are some common SSDL metrics:

  1. Security Requirements Coverage: This metric measures the percentage of security requirements defined and implemented during the development process. It assesses how well security considerations have been incorporated into the software design and development phases.

Security Requirements Coverage Metric = (Number of Implemented Security Requirements / Total Security Requirements) * 100.

  • The Security Requirements Coverage metric measures the extent to which security requirements have been implemented and addressed during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It quantifies the percentage of security requirements that have been fulfilled and incorporated into the development process. To calculate the Security Requirements Coverage metric, divide the number of implemented security requirements by the total number of security requirements and multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • For example, if there were 20 security requirements that have been implemented out of a total of 25 security requirements, the Security Requirements Coverage metric would be:

    • Security Requirements Coverage Metric = (20 / 25) * 100 = 80%

    • This means that 80% of the security requirements have been fulfilled and integrated into the Secure Software Development Lifecycle.

The Security Requirements Coverage metric highlights the level of adherence to security requirements throughout the development process. It indicates how well the security objectives and specifications outlined in the requirements are being met and incorporated into the application.

  • By monitoring and increasing the Security Requirements Coverage metric, organizations can ensure a higher level of security integration and compliance in the development of their applications. This can be achieved through proper planning, implementation, and validation of security requirements, conducting regular security reviews and audits, leveraging secure coding practices, and promoting security awareness and training among developers and stakeholders. Improving the Security Requirements Coverage metric demonstrates a commitment to building secure software and enhances the overall security posture of the applications, reducing the potential for vulnerabilities and security incidents.
  1. Security Testing Coverage: This metric evaluates the extent to which security testing activities have been conducted throughout the software development lifecycle. It measures the percentage of code or application coverage subjected to security testing, such as penetration testing, code review, or vulnerability scanning.

Security Testing Coverage Metric = (Number of Security Tests Conducted / Total Planned Security Tests) * 100.

  • The Security Testing Coverage metric measures the extent to which security testing activities have been performed during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It quantifies the percentage of planned security tests that have been executed and completed. To calculate the Security Testing Coverage metric, divide the number of security tests conducted by the total number of planned security tests and multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • For example, if there were 80 security tests conducted out of a total of 100 planned security tests, the Security Testing Coverage metric would be:

    • Security Testing Coverage Metric = (80 / 100) * 100 = 80%

    • This means that 80% of the planned security tests have been executed and completed.

  • The Security Testing Coverage metric reflects the thoroughness and comprehensiveness of security testing activities performed throughout the application development lifecycle. It assesses how well the planned security tests, such as penetration testing, code reviews, vulnerability scanning, and other security assessments, have been carried out.

  • By monitoring and increasing the Security Testing Coverage metric, organizations can ensure a higher level of scrutiny and evaluation of their applications' security posture. This can be achieved by following industry best practices for security testing, including a variety of testing techniques, ensuring adequate coverage of different attack vectors, and conducting regular security assessments. Improving the Security Testing Coverage metric indicates a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities and risks. It helps ensure that potential security weaknesses are discovered and addressed, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks and enhancing the overall security of the application.

  1. Vulnerability Density: Vulnerability density quantifies the concentration or frequency of vulnerabilities within the software. It measures the number of vulnerabilities identified per unit of code or per functional component. A lower vulnerability density indicates a more secure software development process.

Vulnerability Density Metric = (Number of Vulnerabilities / Lines of Code) * 100.

  • The Vulnerability Density metric measures the density of vulnerabilities in an application's codebase during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It quantifies the number of vulnerabilities per thousand lines of code, providing an indication of the relative vulnerability density of the application. To calculate the Vulnerability Density metric, divide the number of vulnerabilities identified within the application by the total lines of code (LOC) and multiply the result by 1000 to express it as vulnerabilities per thousand lines of code.

  • For example, if there are 50 vulnerabilities identified in an application's codebase that consists of 100,000 lines of code, the Vulnerability Density metric would be:

    • Vulnerability Density Metric = (50 / 100,000) * 1000 = 0.5 vulnerabilities per thousand lines of code

    • This means that there are 0.5 vulnerabilities present for every thousand lines of code in the application.

  • The Vulnerability Density metric provides insights into the relative concentration of vulnerabilities within the application's codebase. It highlights areas of potential concern and can help prioritize vulnerability remediation efforts. A higher Vulnerability Density indicates a higher concentration of vulnerabilities and a potentially higher security risk.

  • By monitoring and reducing the Vulnerability Density metric, organizations can strive for a more secure application development process. This can be achieved by implementing secure coding practices, conducting regular code reviews and security testing, applying security controls and best practices, and ensuring adherence to security guidelines and standards. Improving the Vulnerability Density metric demonstrates a commitment to reducing the potential for vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall security of the application. It helps mitigate the risks associated with software vulnerabilities and contributes to building more robust and secure applications.

  1. Mean Time to Remediate (MTTR): MTTR measures the average time it takes to address and remediate identified security vulnerabilities or issues. It reflects the efficiency of the organization's incident response and vulnerability management processes.

Mean Time to Remediate (MTTR) Metric = (Total Time to Remediate / Number of Remediated Vulnerabilities).

  • The Mean Time to Remediate (MTTR) metric measures the average time taken to remediate vulnerabilities identified during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the remediation process. To calculate the MTTR metric, sum up the time taken to remediate all vulnerabilities and divide it by the number of vulnerabilities that have been successfully remediated.

  • For example, if the total time taken to remediate vulnerabilities is 100 hours and 20 vulnerabilities have been successfully remediated, the MTTR metric would be:

    • MTTR Metric = 100 hours / 20 vulnerabilities = 5 hours per vulnerability

    • This means that, on average, it took 5 hours to remediate each identified vulnerability.

  • The MTTR metric helps organizations assess their ability to respond and address vulnerabilities promptly. A lower MTTR indicates a faster and more efficient remediation process, reducing the exposure window and minimizing the potential impact of vulnerabilities. To improve the MTTR metric, organizations can focus on streamlining their vulnerability management process, establishing clear escalation and remediation procedures, automating repetitive tasks, and allocating resources effectively. Regularly monitoring and analyzing the MTTR metric can provide insights into areas of improvement and help drive continuous enhancement of the vulnerability remediation process.

  • By reducing the MTTR metric, organizations can minimize the time between vulnerability discovery and resolution, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers and enhancing the overall security posture of their applications.

  1. Security Training Completion Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of developers and other stakeholders who have completed security training and awareness programs. It assesses the level of security knowledge and awareness within the development team and the organization as a whole.

Security Training Completion Rate = (Number of Individuals who Completed Security Training / Total Number of Individuals Requiring Security Training) * 100.

  • This formula calculates the completion rate as a percentage by dividing the number of individuals who have completed the security training by the total number of individuals who are required to undergo the training, and then multiplying the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • Here's a breakdown of the components involved:

    1. Number of Individuals who Completed Security Training: Count the number of individuals who have successfully completed the required security training. This can be obtained from training records or learning management systems that track and record training completion.

    2. Total Number of Individuals Requiring Security Training: Determine the total number of individuals who are required to undergo the security training as part of the secure SDLC. This may include developers, testers, project managers, system administrators, and other relevant personnel involved in the software development process.

  • By applying this formula, you can assess the level of security training completion within the organization and monitor progress over time. It provides a quantitative measure of how effectively security training is being conducted and the extent to which employees are meeting the training requirements in the context of a secure SDLC.

  1. Security Control Effectiveness: This metric evaluates the effectiveness of security controls implemented during the software development lifecycle. It assesses the success of security measures, such as access controls, encryption, input validation, and secure coding practices, in mitigating potential risks.

Security Control Effectiveness Metric = (Number of Successful Security Control Implementations / Total Number of Security Control Implementations) * 100..

  • The Security Control Effectiveness metric measures the effectiveness of security controls implemented during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It assesses the success rate of security control implementations in mitigating security risks and protecting the application. To calculate the Security Control Effectiveness metric, divide the number of successful security control implementations by the total number of security control implementations and multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • For example, if 80 out of 100 security control implementations were successful in mitigating security risks, the Security Control Effectiveness metric would be:

    • Security Control Effectiveness Metric = (80 / 100) * 100 = 80%

    • This means that the security controls implemented in the application were effective in mitigating security risks in 80% of cases.

  • The Security Control Effectiveness metric provides insights into the overall effectiveness of the security controls deployed within the application. It helps identify areas where security controls may be lacking or need improvement, allowing organizations to focus on enhancing their security posture. Improving the Security Control Effectiveness metric involves implementing robust and well-tested security controls, conducting regular assessments and audits to validate their effectiveness, and ensuring they are properly configured and maintained. Organizations can also leverage industry best practices and standards to guide the implementation of effective security controls.

  • Monitoring and improving the Security Control Effectiveness metric contributes to building a more secure application, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks, and protecting sensitive data and assets. It supports the goals of the Secure Software Development Lifecycle and helps organizations maintain a strong security posture throughout the application development and deployment lifecycle.

  1. Security Review Cycle Time: This metric measures the time it takes to complete security reviews, such as code reviews, architecture reviews, or threat modeling. It helps assess the efficiency of the review process and identifies potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

Security Review Cycle Time Metric = Time to Complete Security Review / Number of Security Reviews.

  • The Security Review Cycle Time metric measures the average time taken to complete a security review during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It provides insights into the efficiency and timeliness of the security review process. To calculate the Security Review Cycle Time metric, divide the total time taken to complete a security review by the number of security reviews conducted.

  • For example, if it takes 5 days (120 hours) to complete a security review, and 10 security reviews were conducted, the Security Review Cycle Time metric would be:

    • Security Review Cycle Time Metric = 120 hours / 10 reviews = 12 hours per review

    • This means that, on average, it takes 12 hours to complete each security review.

  • The Security Review Cycle Time metric helps organizations assess the efficiency of their security review process and identify areas for improvement. It allows them to monitor and track the time taken to complete security reviews, ensuring that they are conducted in a timely manner without causing significant delays in the development lifecycle. To improve the Security Review Cycle Time metric, organizations can implement streamlined processes, establish clear guidelines and criteria for security reviews, provide adequate resources and training for reviewers, and leverage automation tools to assist with the review process.

  • By reducing the time taken for security reviews, organizations can ensure that applications undergo thorough security assessments while minimizing delays in the development lifecycle. This ultimately contributes to the overall security and quality of the application being developed.

  1. Security Incident Response Time: This metric measures the time it takes to detect, respond to, and resolve security incidents or breaches. It assesses the organization's ability to detect and address security issues promptly.

Security Incident Response Time Metric = Time to Respond to Security Incidents / Number of Security Incidents.

  • The Security Incident Response Time metric measures the average time taken to respond to security incidents during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It provides insights into the speed and effectiveness of the incident response process. To calculate the Security Incident Response Time metric, divide the total time taken to respond to security incidents by the number of security incidents encountered.

  • For example, if it takes 24 hours to respond to a security incident, and 10 security incidents were encountered, the Security Incident Response Time metric would be:

    • Security Incident Response Time Metric = 24 hours / 10 incidents = 2.4 hours per incident

    • This means that, on average, it takes 2.4 hours to respond to each security incident.

  • The Security Incident Response Time metric helps organizations evaluate the efficiency of their incident response capabilities and identify opportunities for improvement. It allows them to track and monitor the time taken to detect, analyze, and respond to security incidents, ensuring a swift and effective response to minimize potential damage or impact. To improve the Security Incident Response Time metric, organizations can implement robust incident response plans and procedures, establish clear roles and responsibilities, provide continuous training and awareness programs for incident response teams, leverage automation and orchestration tools to streamline response processes, and conduct regular incident response drills and exercises.

  • By reducing the time taken to respond to security incidents, organizations can mitigate risks, minimize the impact of security breaches, and protect their applications and systems effectively within the Secure Software Development Lifecycle.

  1. Security Policy Compliance: This metric evaluates the adherence to security policies and standards throughout the software development process. It measures the level of compliance with internal and external security requirements.

Security Policy Compliance Metric = (Number of Security Policy Violations / Total Number of Security Policy Checks) * 100.

  • The Security Policy Compliance metric measures the adherence to security policies during the Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) in the context of application security. It provides insights into the level of compliance with established security policies and guidelines. To calculate the Security Policy Compliance metric, first, determine the number of security policy violations identified during the evaluation or assessment process. Then, divide this number by the total number of security policy checks performed. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • For example, if there were 10 security policy violations identified during the evaluation, and a total of 100 security policy checks were performed, the Security Policy Compliance metric would be:

    • Security Policy Compliance Metric = (10 violations / 100 checks) * 100 = 10%

    • This means that the organization's security policy compliance stands at 10%, indicating a low level of adherence to security policies.

  • The Security Policy Compliance metric helps organizations assess and monitor their compliance with security policies throughout the SSDL. It enables them to identify gaps or areas of non-compliance and take appropriate actions to improve security practices and align with industry standards and regulations. To improve the Security Policy Compliance metric, organizations should focus on the following actions:

    • A. Clear and well-defined security policies: Develop comprehensive and specific security policies that cover all relevant areas of application security.

    • B. Communication and awareness: Educate employees, developers, and stakeholders about security policies and their importance in maintaining a secure development process.

    • C. Regular policy reviews: Conduct periodic reviews of security policies to ensure they remain up-to-date, relevant, and aligned with changing security requirements.

    • D. Monitoring and enforcement: Implement mechanisms to track and monitor adherence to security policies, such as regular audits, security assessments, and automated scanning tools.

    • E. Remediation and improvement: Promptly address identified policy violations and implement corrective measures to prevent future non-compliance.

  • By maintaining a high level of security policy compliance, organizations can reduce the risk of security incidents, protect sensitive data, and ensure the security and integrity of their applications throughout the Secure Software Development Lifecycle.

By tracking these metrics, organizations can identify gaps, measure progress, and improve their software development practices with a focus on security. These metrics provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of security controls, the level of security awareness, and the overall maturity of the organization's secure software development lifecycle.